Tuesday 4 August 2009

home tattoo removal

Let's look into home tattoo removal, are there any tricks we can apply to remove or at least hide a tattoo? permanent tattoo's are really that, permanent. Tattoo machines insert insoluble ink behind the skin cells, and it's awkward to try and remove the ink once it's in there. It can be cut out (don't do this at home guys), there is a medical procedure to do exactly this, but it's not really recommend because of the scaring and after pain. It's up to you really, is the sight of the tattoo worse than a small scar?

home tattoo removal methods

Unfortunately, there's many options available for home tattoo removal, most of the major surgeries require lasers and/or other technical equipment. Tattoo removal cream can be purchased through several outlets online, but the reviews are mixed. It's certainly not a "miracle cream" folks. People who have used this stuff have been applying consistently for weeks or months. You might have a bit of trouble with darker colors. did you ever paint the walls on your house to have the darker colors come through? Yep, they needed another coat.

If you simple can't afford laser surgery and have tried tattoo removal cream with no joy, then you may want to look at an surgical excision. Now, i know you want to do this at home, tattoo removal can have serious side effects when not performed correctly. If your running out of options seek professional advice from a doctor.

There really isn't any tattoo service which caters for in home tattoo removal, maybe in the near future. Tattoo removal clinics require you to make an appointment, the waiting list can be very long. Perhaps one day in the near future a do it yourself home tattoo removal system we be much more successful, and guarantee a 100% that it will work, unlike some of the tattoo removal cream on the market.

Monday 3 August 2009

free tattoo removal

is there such thing as free tattoo removal? I haven't found a free method yet. Some clinics and charity's have been known to help out people who desperately need tattoo removal, people like ex-gang members looking to turn a leaf and become a better person. Will these people want to help you with your tattoo? Depending on the exact reason, probably not.

So, what can you do to lower tattoo removal cost if you can't get it done for free? Well, you can try experimental methods like tattoo removal cream, a low cost method, but with no guarantees. Although cheap, constant use may be required and the cost adds up.

I know many people choose to have a new tattoo printed over the old one, now - this is usually to cover up ex-lovers names and such, you may or may not want to have another bigger darker tattoo to cover the old one, especially for women, who tend to have smaller, lighter tattoo's.

Chances are your tattoo removal is going to cost more that having the tattoo done in the first place. So, unless you qualify for free gang tattoo removal (this doesn't mean going out and getting a gang tattoo over the one you want to remove folks) your going to have a hard time finding tattoo removal for free.

Various clinics offer free tattoo removal to some patience when they first open, more of a publicity stunt, to get people rolling in to fork over large sums of cash. How can you find free tattoo removal clinics in your local area? it's probably best to have a look around online, you might just pick up an article on a new clinic opening, now or in the near future.

You should probably this article on tattoo removal cost. It's vital to know every possible option available to you before making any hasty moves. Listen, tattoo removal isn't free (in most cases) and often quite expensive, please read and understand the different processes of tattoo removal, i don' t want you to waste money on a process that doesn't work, or that has hidden aspects like scaring.

Sunday 2 August 2009

tattoo removal cost

What is the real cost of tattoo removal? Tough question, there are many variables. Which type of tattoo removal treatment do you go for? Laser tattoo removal? tattoo removal cream? Excision (being cut out? yikes). Let's look into an 'average Joe's' tattoo removal cost.

Cost of laser tattoo removal

Many people visiting the site are interested in finding out just how much does laser tattoo removal cost, well let me put it to you straight, no time wasted;

$150-$550, a session, it's pretty common place that it will take unto 20 sessions to completely remove a tattoo (depending darker colors and skin tones) that's big bucks for the average Joe folks, big bucks. You see average Joe with his ex-girlfriend's name tattood on his arm can't afford it, maybe if it only took one session, but we are looking at a possible twenty sessions. You don't even need to do the maths to figure out that's a boat load of money. So, what can average joe do instead? There are a couple of alternatives, but laser tattoo removal is the most successful.

Tattoo removal cream

Now, tattoo removal cream is a new comer to the scene, it's understandable that people are a bit warey of "miracle cream", and i'm going to be honest, some people have had success, some haven't. It's mixed reviews, but i can probably bet the people with fainter tattoos are getting more success out of it.

is it a low cost tattoo removal method? Yes, it is. Then again, after applying it eveyday for a year and your tattoo's still there, those tubes might of been cheap, but just like average Joe's spending, little things add up over time, until your flat broke.

Excision tattoo removal

If legal tender isn't at average Joe's disposable, there's always trading tattoo removal for scaring, cutting a patch of skin out of your body is always going to leave marks, don't let anyone else tell you different. Which is going to look worse, your tattoo or the scaring? Look, im not trying to strike fear into you, there are methods that will get it removed, i just don't want people getting large pieces of skin cut off. It's not recommend guys and girls and your going to be spending a bit of time with your friend the painkiller.

Average cost of tattoo removal

The truth? how much does tattoo removal cost, alot more than it's worth getting one done. Maybe it's something you don't want to hear, infact it i know it isn't, but people reading this, interested in possible tattoo removal methods before they even get a tattoo are going to be a lot better off, than those not in the know. You think you would still get a tattoo if you told yourself how much its going to break the bank when you have to get that tattoo removed off your neck because you can't get a job.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Tattoo Removal Cream

The decision to have a tattoo removed is decided by thousands of people each year, whether it was a hasty mistake as a youngster or just a bit bored after several years of the same design, thankfully there are several methods to remove tattoos in this day and age. A much cheaper solution is to use tattoo removal cream. Although, it’s not always as effective as other treatments such as laser tattoo removal. It’s quite often that people have a tattoo done of their lover’s name. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a happy ending and the said person breaks up left with this tattoo, searching for a quick and effective way to remove it. Having a tattoo removed can have a real impact on your life (in a good way), especially if it’s making you depressed. Getting a specific job might be harder with a visible tattoo constantly showing. Tattoo removal cream might be a method for you if you don’t want to go through the pain and possible scaring of laser tattoo removal. Tattoo removal cream is widely available on the internet.

Tattoo removal cream technique is to lighten the tattoo over a period of time, which is great because the chances of skin infection isn’t there like the other tattoo removal methods. Tattoo removal cream can be applied at home, in your own time.

These creams are new to the market, so there isn’t much information about their success rate. It is one of the most affordable methods of tattoo removal (by a huge degree) so might well be worth a look.

If you experiment with tattoo removal creams and don't get the results fast enough (or not at all), then surgery is going to be the next step. Basically, you can have laser tattoo removal surgery, or have incision surgery. Incision surgery involves simply cutting and removing the skin that your tattoo covers. Unfortunately, this is likely to leave a scar, it varies from operation to operation. Laser tattoo removal is very expensive compared to other methods, you will be required to attend several sessions as the laser tattoo removal lightens your tattoo over time. Patience experiencing laser tattoo removal have commented on the pain received by the program. This only gives more reason to stick with tattoo removal cream.

Late night commercials show products like Wrecking Balm, designed to remove tattoos via a rub in cream. These products will not work instantly, it can take several months to completely fade a tattoo. Various colors will take longer to fade, dark colors and blacks are much harder to cover or lighten. Using these tattoo removal products for a couple of weeks and giving up is not the recommended usage.

Cheap tattoos can get you into a lot of trouble, anyone reading this and considering getting a tattoo should definitely do a little research on tattoos and local tattoo parlors. Any half decent tattooist should have a collection of work in the form of a tattoo portfolio (if they don't have any proof of experience, stay away).

A good way to 'test' a tattoo and a regular technique of tattooists is to have a pattern imprinted first (much like those transfer tattoos you get when you are a kid). This gives you the chance to test a tattoo and see how it looks.

Tattoo removal cream is just one method at your disposable when looking to removal your tattoo nightmares. It's recommended to seek professional medical advice before taking any haste actions.

Monday 29 June 2009

Welcome to Tattoo Removal Creams

Thanks for stopping by, shortly we will take a look at various tattoo removal methods and their effects. Do you have any experience with tattoo removal? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Cheers, Frank